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QUERCUS E GLANDIBUS ( QUERC ) Homeopathic Uses & Treatment Insights

Quercus E Glandibus, commonly referred to as Oak, is a remedy primarily recognized for its beneficial effects on chronic spleen conditions and its role in addressing alcohol dependence. First introduced by Dr. Johann Gottfried Rademacher for treating spleen-related ailments, this remedy has since gained prominence for its broader applications, including liver and digestive issues, chronic gout, and ailments resulting from old malarial infections.

This homeopathic remedy works well for individuals with a history of alcohol abuse, effectively reducing cravings and supporting recovery over time.

Symptoms Addressed by Quercus E Glandibus

1. Chronic Spleen Affections

  • Materia Medica Insight: Quercus has been historically used to treat spleen dropsy, where fluid accumulation occurs due to spleen dysfunction. It is particularly effective in cases where the spleen is enlarged or painful. The remedy also supports the spleen’s healthy functioning in chronic conditions.

2. Vertigo & Deafness with Head Noises

  • Materia Medica Insight: Quercus addresses symptoms such as vertigo (dizziness) and hearing impairments accompanied by ringing or noises in the head. These neurological disturbances are often related to weakened circulatory health or liver function, both of which this remedy helps to support.

3. Alcohol Addiction and Cravings

  • Materia Medica Insight: One of the primary uses of Quercus is to mitigate the desire for alcohol. It has been shown to reduce cravings over time, making it useful for individuals seeking to overcome alcohol dependence. Regular dosing can help suppress the urge for alcohol and support the detoxification of the liver, a critical organ affected by long-term alcohol use.

4. Dropsy (Edema)

  • Materia Medica Insight: Quercus is beneficial for managing edema, particularly when it stems from liver or spleen issues. By improving fluid regulation within the body, it helps reduce water retention and bloating associated with dropsy.

5. Liver Affections

  • Materia Medica Insight: Quercus supports liver health, addressing conditions like hepatic congestion or fatty liver, especially when these are linked to alcohol abuse or chronic diseases like gout and malaria. It can aid in restoring normal liver function and alleviating symptoms such as indigestion, flatulence, and bloating.

6. Gout and Old Malarial Cases

  • Materia Medica Insight: The remedy is valuable for treating chronic conditions, such as gout, where uric acid builds up in the joints causing pain and inflammation. Additionally, it is useful for long-standing malarial cases, especially when accompanied by flatulence and digestive issues.

Homeopathic Relationships

Comparative Remedies:
Quercus E Glandibus can be compared with other homeopathic remedies that address similar symptoms:

  • Angelica: Useful for reducing cravings for alcohol and addressing conditions like atony (weakness) of various organs, dyspepsia (indigestion), and chronic bronchitis. Angelica can also relieve nervous headaches and improve expectoration (coughing up mucus).
  • Ceanothus: Primarily used for spleen enlargement and pain.
  • Lachesis (Lach): Often used for circulatory and liver-related issues.
  • Natrum Muriaticum (Nat Mur): Helpful in cases of water retention and chronic liver dysfunction.
  • Helianthus: Effective for spleen enlargement and related pain.

Recommended Dosage

The typical dosage for Quercus E Glandibus varies depending on the individual and the condition being treated:

  • Distilled Spirit: 10 drops to 1 teaspoon of the distilled spirit, taken 3-4 times daily.
  • Acorn Trituration: A 3X trituration of the acorn can be administered for conditions such as splenic affections, flatulence, chronic malarial cases, or in individuals with a history of alcohol use.

Note: A temporary bout of diarrhea may occur upon initial use, which is considered part of the remedy’s curative effect.

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