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Zincum Valerianicum ( ZINC-VAL ) Homeopathic Uses & Treatment Insights

Zincum Valerianicum is a prominent homeopathic remedy known for its effectiveness in treating various painful conditions, especially those related to the nervous system. This remedy is highly regarded for its ability to alleviate neuralgia, hysteria, angina pectoris, and ovarian affections. It also proves beneficial for conditions like epilepsy without aura, hysterical heart pain, and facial neuralgia. In this guide, we will delve into the specific applications of Zincum Valerianicum, exploring its benefits, usage, and how it can be a valuable addition to homeopathic treatment plans.

Neuralgia and Hysteria


Neuralgia is characterized by intense, intermittent pain along the course of a nerve, often described as sharp, stabbing, or burning. Zincum Valerianicum is particularly effective in managing neuralgia, providing relief from the excruciating pain that can disrupt daily life. This remedy is beneficial for facial neuralgia, especially when the pain is concentrated in the left temple and lower jaw (inferior maxillary). Patients often experience violent, shooting pains that can be debilitating.


Hysteria, now more commonly referred to as conversion disorder or functional neurological symptom disorder, involves the presentation of neurological symptoms without an organic cause. Symptoms can include fainting, seizures, and extreme emotional outbursts. Zincum Valerianicum is useful in addressing hysterical symptoms, particularly those associated with heart pain and emotional instability. It helps in calming the nervous system and reducing the frequency and intensity of hysterical episodes.

Epilepsy and Insomnia

Epilepsy without Aura

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. An aura is a sensory warning sign that precedes a seizure, but some individuals experience seizures without any warning. Zincum Valerianicum is indicated for epilepsy without aura, helping to reduce the occurrence and severity of seizures. It works by stabilizing the nervous system and preventing the sudden electrical discharges in the brain that cause seizures.

Insomnia in Children

Children often suffer from sleeplessness due to various reasons, including pain, anxiety, and hyperactivity. Zincum Valerianicum is an excellent remedy for insomnia in children, especially when it is caused by neuralgic pain or discomfort. It helps in calming the nervous system, promoting relaxation, and enabling children to get a restful night’s sleep.

Ovarian Affections and Hiccoughs


Ovaralgia refers to pain in the ovaries, often associated with ovarian cysts, infections, or other gynecological conditions. Zincum Valerianicum is effective in managing ovarian pain, especially when it radiates down the limbs and even reaches the feet. This remedy provides significant relief from the discomfort and helps in improving the overall quality of life for women suffering from ovarian affections.

Obstinate Hiccough

Hiccoughs, or hiccups, can be an annoying and persistent condition. Zincum Valerianicum is beneficial for obstinate hiccoughs that do not respond to conventional treatments. It works by soothing the nerves and reducing the spasms of the diaphragm that cause hiccoughs.

Headaches and Melancholy

Neuralgic Headaches

Zincum Valerianicum is highly effective in treating violent, neuralgic headaches. These headaches are often intermittent, with piercing and stabbing pain that can make the patient almost insane with agony. The remedy helps in reducing the intensity and frequency of these headaches, providing much-needed relief.


Melancholy, or deep sadness, is often associated with uncontrollable sleeplessness due to the pain in the head. Zincum Valerianicum helps in alleviating the pain and promoting better sleep, which in turn improves the emotional state of the patient. It is particularly useful for individuals who suffer from depression and anxiety linked to chronic pain.

Pain in Extremities

Neck and Spine Pain

Severe pain in the neck and spine can be debilitating, making it difficult for individuals to carry out their daily activities. Zincum Valerianicum is effective in managing this type of pain, providing relief and improving mobility. It is especially beneficial for those who experience pain due to nerve-related issues in the neck and spine.

Sciatic Neuralgia

Sciatic neuralgia, or sciatica, involves pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down the legs. This pain can be severe and persistent, often causing significant discomfort. Zincum Valerianicum is beneficial for sciatic neuralgia, helping to reduce the pain and improve the patient’s ability to move and function normally.

Restlessness and Constant Motion

One of the hallmark symptoms addressed by Zincum Valerianicum is the inability to sit still. Patients often feel the need to keep their legs in constant motion due to severe pain or restlessness. This remedy helps in calming the nervous system and reducing the compulsion to move, providing relief from restlessness.

Dosage and Administration

Zincum Valerianicum is typically administered in the first and second trituration (potency levels). The dosage should be continued for an extended period, especially in the treatment of neuralgia, to achieve the best results.

Potency Selection Guide

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or a qualified healthcare provider regarding any medical condition. Use homeopathic remedies under the guidance of a certified practitioner.

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