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SINAPIS NIGRA ( SIN-N ) Homeopathic Uses & Treatment Insights

Sinapis Nigra, commonly known as Black Mustard, is a versatile homeopathic remedy, particularly effective for conditions involving hay fever, respiratory issues, and pharyngitis. Its potent healing properties are especially beneficial for alleviating symptoms related to dryness, inflammation, and irritation in the nasal passages and throat.

Symptoms and Materia Medica Insights


  • Symptoms: The scalp feels hot and itchy, with noticeable sweat on the upper lip and forehead. The tongue has a sensation as if blistered.
  • Materia Medica Insights: Sinapis Nigra is particularly useful when the scalp becomes overheated and itchy, often accompanied by sweating in localized areas. The remedy also addresses discomfort on the tongue, which can feel raw or irritated.


  • Symptoms: The nasal mucus, particularly from the posterior nares, feels cold with a scanty, acrid discharge. The left nostril often remains blocked throughout the day, or blockage shifts to the afternoon and evening. The dryness in the nasal passages is accompanied by sneezing and tearing eyes, which are alleviated when lying down.
  • Materia Medica Insights: Sinapis Nigra excels in treating dry nasal passages and the unpleasant sensation of cold mucus. Its effectiveness in alleviating alternating nasal blockage and dryness makes it an ideal remedy for hay fever and coryza, providing relief especially when symptoms worsen in the afternoon or evening.


  • Symptoms: The cough is notably relieved when lying down.
  • Materia Medica Insights: Sinapis Nigra is beneficial for those experiencing dry, persistent coughs, especially when they find relief in a resting position. This characteristic makes it a suitable remedy for nighttime coughing spells that disturb sleep.


  • Symptoms: The throat feels scalded and inflamed, often leading to asthmatic breathing and loud coughing fits with a barking sound upon exhalation.
  • Materia Medica Insights: Sinapis Nigra is highly effective for sore throats that feel intensely hot and raw. Its ability to ease inflamed airways and reduce coughing fits makes it a valuable remedy for pharyngitis and other throat-related discomforts.


  • Symptoms: Offensive breath with an odor resembling onions. A burning sensation in the stomach extends up the esophagus, throat, and mouth, which may also be filled with canker sores. Hot, sour eructations are common, and colic pains improve when sitting up straight.
  • Materia Medica Insights: Sinapis Nigra works well for digestive disturbances marked by a burning sensation, often extending up the digestive tract. Its application is particularly beneficial when colic or nausea improves with an upright posture, offering relief from digestive discomfort.


  • Symptoms: There is pain in the bladder, along with frequent and copious urination both day and night.
  • Materia Medica Insights: Sinapis Nigra is an excellent choice for urinary issues characterized by frequent urges and discomfort, providing significant relief from bladder pain and excessive urination.


  • Symptoms: Rheumatic pain affects the intercostal and lumbar muscles, often leading to sleeplessness due to pain in the back and hips.
  • Materia Medica Insights: Sinapis Nigra is beneficial for musculoskeletal discomfort, particularly when pain interferes with restful sleep. Its ability to ease rheumatic and lumbar pains makes it a reliable option for those suffering from chronic back issues.

Homeopathic Relationship and Comparisons

Sinapis Nigra shares therapeutic similarities with other remedies like Sulphur, Capsicum, and Colocynthis. Its close relative, Sinapis Alba (White Mustard), is particularly noted for treating throat symptoms such as pressure and burning sensations. Additionally, mustard oil, when inhaled, acts on the sensory nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve, providing relief from pain in conditions affecting the middle ear, nose, and tonsils.

Dosage Recommendation

Sinapis Nigra is typically administered in the third potency, ensuring a balanced response to the treatment of the described symptoms.

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Relationship of Remedies

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