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SANGUINARINUM NITRICUM ( SANGIN-N ) Homeopathic Uses & Treatment Insights

Sanguinarinum Nitricum is a valuable homeopathic remedy used primarily for conditions related to nasal polyps, catarrh (both acute and chronic), and various throat ailments. It provides relief in cases of pharyngitis, respiratory discomfort, and specific nasal symptoms. This remedy is particularly beneficial for addressing burning sensations, inflammation, and obstructions in the upper respiratory tract.

Symptoms Treated by Sanguinarinum Nitricum

1. Nasal Issues and Catarrh


  • Obstructed nose with a sense of blockage
  • Profuse watery mucus accompanied by burning pain
  • Enlarged turbinates, especially at the start of the hypertrophic process
  • Scant secretions and a tendency towards nasal dryness
  • Formation of small crusts that bleed when removed
  • Post-nasal secretions that adhere to the nasopharynx and are difficult to dislodge
  • Nostrils plugged with thick, yellow, or bloody mucus
  • Sneezing and a raw, sore sensation in the posterior nares

Materia Medica Insight:
Sanguinarinum Nitricum is highly effective in managing nasal catarrh, particularly when there is an obstruction and dryness. It addresses both acute and chronic stages, providing relief from burning, dryness, and irritation. The remedy helps dislodge tough secretions and reduce inflammation in the nasal passages.

2. Throat and Pharynx Conditions


  • Burning and dryness in the throat
  • Sensation of roughness and constriction
  • Sore right tonsil and difficulty swallowing
  • Chronic follicular pharyngitis

Materia Medica Insight:
This remedy excels in treating conditions of the throat, especially when accompanied by burning sensations and dryness. Sanguinarinum Nitricum is particularly useful in follicular pharyngitis, providing relief from inflammation and making swallowing easier.

3. Eye and Head Discomfort


  • Lachrymation (tearing of the eyes)
  • Pain in the eyes and head
  • Sore scalp
  • Sensation of obstruction in the head

Materia Medica Insight:
Sanguinarinum Nitricum is beneficial for reducing eye and head discomfort, especially when accompanied by tearing and a sense of heaviness or obstruction. It provides relief from soreness, making it a useful remedy for influenza-related eye pain.

4. Respiratory Complaints


  • Short, hacking cough with thick, yellow, sweetish mucus
  • Pressure behind the sternum
  • Dryness and burning in the throat and bronchi
  • Tickling cough
  • Chronic nasal, laryngeal, and bronchial catarrh
  • Hoarse, altered voice

Materia Medica Insight:
Sanguinarinum Nitricum helps alleviate respiratory issues, especially when the cough is dry, tickling, and accompanied by thick yellow mucus. It is also useful for chronic bronchial conditions and provides relief from the burning sensation in the airways.

5. Mouth Conditions


  • Ulceration on the side of the tongue

Materia Medica Insight:
This remedy helps soothe and heal ulcerations in the mouth, particularly those located on the side of the tongue. It supports the recovery of oral mucous membranes.

Additional Considerations


Sanguinarinum Nitricum is especially effective in treating nasal conditions, particularly when the nose feels obstructed, dry, and there is a formation of thick mucus. It works well in cases where the turbinates are enlarged and the secretion is difficult to clear.


For individuals suffering from throat discomfort, especially with a sore tonsil on the right side, this remedy provides relief by reducing burning and dryness, making it easier to swallow.


This remedy is beneficial for those experiencing chronic respiratory issues, particularly with a dry, hacking cough. It helps alleviate the feeling of pressure behind the sternum and soothes the dry and burning sensation in the throat and bronchi.

Related Remedies

  • Sanguinaria Tartaricum: Useful for conditions like exophthalmos, mydriasis (dilated pupils), and dim vision.
  • Arum Triphyllum: Effective in treating hoarseness and irritation of the throat.
  • Psorinum: A remedy for chronic conditions, particularly catarrhal afflictions.
  • Kali Bichromicum: Known for its action on thick, ropy mucus and nasal obstructions.

Dosage Recommendation

For optimal results, Sanguinarinum Nitricum is most commonly administered in the third trituration.

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