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RUTA GRAVEOLENS ( RUTA ) Homeopathic Uses & Treatment Insights

Ruta Graveolens, commonly known as Rue, is a powerful homeopathic remedy known for its profound effects on the periosteum, cartilages, ocular health, and the uterus. This remedy is particularly effective in addressing ailments caused by overstraining the flexor tendons and the ocular muscles. It is often recommended for conditions where there is a tendency for deposits in the periosteum, tendons, and joints, particularly in the wrists. Moreover, Ruta is widely recognized for alleviating pains that feel like bruised bones and is frequently used after injuries, especially sprains.

Symptoms and Benefits of Ruta Graveolens

1. Musculoskeletal System


  • Pain in the periosteum and tendons, particularly after overuse or strain.
  • Bruised feeling throughout the body, especially after injuries.
  • Lameness and weakness following sprains or strains, particularly in the wrists and ankles.
  • Sciatica with pain extending from the back to the hips and thighs.
  • Lumbago, worse in the morning, often before rising.

Materia Medica Insights: Ruta acts powerfully on the musculoskeletal system, making it an ideal remedy for addressing injuries such as sprains, bruises, and soreness in the tendons. It is highly effective in cases where patients feel weak, especially after injury or strain, and is often used to support the body’s recovery from sprains and muscular injuries, complementing other remedies like Arnica for bruising.

2. Head and Eyes


  • Headaches from eye strain, especially after reading fine print or long hours of sewing.
  • A sensation of a nail being driven into the head, particularly after excessive drinking.
  • Pressure deep in the orbits, and a bruised feeling in the tarsal cartilage.
  • Red, hot, and painful eyes, particularly from overuse.

Materia Medica Insights: Ruta is renowned for its ability to relieve ocular muscle strain and headaches related to eye fatigue. It is often prescribed for those who suffer from tired, strained eyes after prolonged focus, whether from sewing, reading, or using a computer. This remedy is particularly beneficial for students and professionals who experience eye pain and discomfort after excessive use.

3. Digestive System


  • Constipation with difficult bowel movements requiring straining.
  • Prolapsus ani after every bowel movement, especially after childbirth.
  • Painful stitches in the rectum while sitting.
  • Frequent, but unsuccessful, urging to pass stool.

Materia Medica Insights: Ruta effectively addresses rectal discomfort and constipation, especially when accompanied by mucous or frothy stools. The remedy is known for its ability to relieve prolapsed rectum and straining during bowel movements, offering significant relief for individuals suffering from chronic constipation or postnatal rectal issues.

4. Urinary and Reproductive System


  • Pressure in the neck of the bladder after urinating.
  • Constant urging to urinate, with the sensation of a full bladder even after emptying.

Materia Medica Insights: Ruta is a trusted remedy for urinary discomfort, particularly in cases where patients experience bladder pressure and persistent urges to urinate. Its gentle yet effective action helps alleviate bladder irritation and frequent urination.

5. Respiratory System


  • Cough with thick, yellow expectoration.
  • Weakness in the chest, often accompanied by a feeling of tightness.

Materia Medica Insights: Ruta’s influence extends to the respiratory system, offering relief from coughs and chest discomfort. It helps ease the weakness and constriction felt in the chest, particularly in cases where yellow expectoration is present.

6. Back and Extremities


  • Back pain that improves with pressure or when lying flat on the back.
  • Weakness in the legs, particularly when rising from a seated position.
  • Aching in the tendons, particularly in the tendo-Achilles.
  • Ganglia and painful wrist stiffness.

Materia Medica Insights: Ruta provides remarkable relief for those suffering from back pain and stiffness in the extremities. Its action on the spine, hips, and wrists makes it an excellent choice for individuals dealing with muscle strain, joint pain, and tendon discomfort. Ganglia, a condition affecting tendons, can also be relieved with Ruta, making it highly effective for those with painful wrists and hands.



  • Lying down
  • Cold, wet weather


  • From pressure
  • Lying on the back

Complementary and Related Remedies

  • Complementary Remedies: Calcarea phosphorica.
  • Comparable Remedies: Ratanhia, Carduus, Phytolacca, Rhus tox, Silica, Arnica.

Dosing Guidelines

For best results, Ruta Graveolens is typically administered in low potencies, ranging from the first to sixth potency. The tincture can also be applied topically for conditions like ganglia or as a lotion for the eyes in cases of eye strain.

Select Your Homeopathic Medicine Dose and Potency

Potency Selection Guide
Relationship of Remedies

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