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PSORINUM ( PSOR ) Homeopathic Uses & Treatment Insights

Psorinum is a powerful homeopathic remedy, primarily known for addressing a wide range of psoric conditions. These are chronic issues rooted in deep, underlying imbalances in the body, often associated with inherited constitutional weaknesses. As a remedy, Psorinum is particularly beneficial for individuals with low vitality, extreme sensitivity to cold, and those who tend to feel weak and debilitated without any obvious physical cause. This remedy shines in cases where well-chosen medicines fail to act due to a lack of reaction within the body.

Introduction to Psorinum

Key Homeopathic Concept:

In homeopathy, the concept of “miasms” refers to fundamental patterns of disease. Psorinum is closely related to the psoric miasm, which manifests through skin conditions, digestive disturbances, and overall weakness. Patients who benefit from Psorinum often show symptoms of poor reaction to conventional treatments, extreme cold sensitivity, offensive body odors, and recurring skin eruptions. It is used in a variety of chronic conditions, particularly when the body is struggling to heal itself or has a defective immune response.

Symptoms Addressed by Psorinum

Materia Medica Insights:

Psorinum has a vast therapeutic application in homeopathy, tackling ailments ranging from skin disorders to mental health challenges. Below, we explore the key symptoms and conditions that this remedy addresses, providing insights into its action and usage.

1. General Weakness and Lack of Reaction


  • Extreme physical and mental debility, especially after acute illnesses.
  • Tendency to catch colds easily; general frailty.
  • No significant underlying disease present, yet patient feels constantly fatigued.

Materia Medica Insights: Psorinum is suited to individuals who feel profoundly weak even without an identifiable disease. It is particularly effective in cases where the body fails to respond to other treatments, likely due to a weakened immune system. Psorinum strengthens the body’s vital force, encouraging recovery when other remedies do not yield results.

2. Chronic Sensitivity to Cold


  • Constant need for warm clothing, even in summer.
  • Desires warmth, particularly on the head and body.
  • Aggravation from the slightest exposure to cold air or drafts.

Materia Medica Insights: Psorinum patients often have an overwhelming intolerance to cold, to the extent that they need extra layers of clothing year-round. The remedy helps improve the body’s response to environmental temperatures, balancing thermal sensitivity and reducing susceptibility to cold-related ailments.

3. Skin Conditions


  • Chronic skin eruptions, eczema, and scaly, crusty lesions.
  • Intense itching, worsened by the warmth of the bed.
  • Oily skin, sebaceous gland overactivity, and indolent ulcers.
  • Hair becomes dry, lustreless, and rough.
  • Eczema behind the ears and eruptions near the finger-nails.

Materia Medica Insights: Psorinum is one of the most important remedies for chronic skin issues that persist despite treatment. Whether it’s eczema, psoriasis, or other herpetic eruptions, this remedy addresses the underlying psoric imbalance that drives the condition. It also reduces excessive secretions from sebaceous glands, helping to balance oily or greasy skin conditions.

4. Offensive Discharges and Secretions


  • Profuse sweating with a filthy, offensive odor.
  • Offensive discharges from ulcers, skin lesions, ears, and other orifices.
  • Mucus and other secretions smell foul, often worse at night.

Materia Medica Insights: A hallmark of Psorinum’s therapeutic action is its ability to address foul-smelling discharges. Whether it’s perspiration or secretions from infections or ulcers, Psorinum helps cleanse the body of these offensive odors. Its role in improving the elimination processes aids recovery from chronic infections and skin conditions.

5. Chronic Respiratory Issues


  • Asthma, particularly when worse while sitting up and better when lying down.
  • Dry, persistent coughs, especially those recurring in winter.
  • Hay-fever, with seasonal recurrence and a weak chest.

Materia Medica Insights: For chronic respiratory conditions, Psorinum strengthens the lungs and immune system, providing relief from recurring asthma and coughs. Its action is particularly beneficial for patients who experience annual recurrences of hay-fever and asthma, often with suppressed skin eruptions.

6. Mental Health


  • Hopelessness, deep and persistent melancholy, especially religious in nature.
  • Suicidal tendencies due to a pervasive sense of despair.
  • Despair of recovery and an overall pessimistic outlook on life.

Materia Medica Insights: Psorinum addresses significant mental and emotional distress, particularly in individuals who feel hopeless or are stuck in states of despair. Its action extends to deep-seated depression, especially in those with religious melancholy. The remedy works at a constitutional level to improve mood, mental clarity, and the patient’s outlook on life.

7. Digestive Disorders


  • Eructations that taste like rotten eggs.
  • Constant hunger, even waking at night due to the need to eat.
  • Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
  • Pain in the abdomen after meals.

Materia Medica Insights: Psorinum assists with chronic digestive problems, including those involving foul-smelling eructations or constant hunger. It helps balance digestive function, easing symptoms like nausea and abdominal pain. Psorinum is especially useful in cases where the digestive disturbances persist despite treatment or when symptoms worsen at night.

8. Female Health Issues


  • Fetid, lumpy leucorrhea, accompanied by backache and debility.
  • Swollen, painful breasts.
  • Pimples on the breasts, oozing an acrid fluid that burns.

Materia Medica Insights: For women experiencing chronic gynecological issues, Psorinum helps resolve conditions such as offensive leucorrhea and painful breast swelling. The remedy strengthens the reproductive system, helping to alleviate back pain and hormonal imbalances.

Homeopathic Insights and Modalities


  • Worse from: Cold air, drafts, changes in weather, coffee, and hot sunshine.
  • Better from: Warm clothing, heat, and lying down in a warm environment.

Relationship with Other Remedies:

  • Complementary: Sulphur—Psorinum acts in harmony with Sulphur, especially in psoric conditions.
  • Comparable Remedies: Calcarea, Natrum Ars, and Gaertner for patients with lack of reaction and pessimistic outlooks.


  • Psorinum is typically administered in the 200th potency and higher. It is crucial not to repeat the dose too frequently, as Psorinum has a prolonged action, often taking up to 9 days to manifest its effects.

Select Your Homeopathic Medicine Dose and Potency

Potency Selection Guide
Relationship of Remedies

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