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PHYSOSTIGMA VENENOSUM ( PHYS ) Homeopathic Uses & Treatment Insights

Physostigma Venenosum, commonly known as the Calabar bean, and its active principle, Eserine, form a crucial part of the homeopathic Materia Medica. This remedy offers numerous therapeutic benefits for the nervous system, muscles, and cardiovascular health, making it an essential option for various neurological and muscular disorders.

Key Benefits of Physostigma Venenosum

Physostigma Venenosum is known for its ability to:

  • Stimulate heart function
  • Raise blood pressure
  • Increase intestinal peristalsis
  • Induce pupil contraction
  • Alleviate muscular rigidity and tremors

Homeopathic Insight into Physostigma Venenosum

Physostigma is particularly valuable in cases involving muscular weakness, paralysis, and nervous exhaustion. Its action extends to the spinal cord, where it helps manage spinal irritation and loss of motor control. The remedy is also effective in relieving spasmodic conditions, including tremors, tetanus, and chorea, by reducing motor and reflex activity in the central nervous system. Additionally, Eserine is often used to treat ocular conditions, as it induces contraction of the pupil and helps with eye muscle spasms.

Symptoms Addressed by Physostigma Venenosum

Neurological and Muscular Conditions


  • Spinal irritation with sensitivity in the vertebrae
  • Loss of motility and prostration
  • Tremors, particularly fibrillary tremors
  • Muscular rigidity and paralysis
  • Tetanic convulsions and trismus
  • Chorea (involuntary movements)
  • Polymyelitis anterior (inflammation of the spinal cord affecting the anterior horns)

Homeopathic Insight:
Physostigma is particularly beneficial in treating nervous system disorders that result in muscular weakness or paralysis. Its ability to depress the reflex and motor activity of the spinal cord provides relief in cases of chorea, tremors, and paralysis, restoring motor function while maintaining muscle contractility.

Mouth and Throat Symptoms


  • Soreness at the tip of the tongue.
  • Sensation of a ball rising up in the throat.
  • Strong heart pulsation felt in the throat.

Homeopathic Insight:
Physostigma Venenosum is also indicated for throat symptoms accompanied by heart palpitations. The unique sensation of a ball rising in the throat and the soreness of the tongue are specific indicators for the use of this remedy, particularly when these symptoms coincide with palpitations.

Ocular Disorders


  • Contraction of pupils (miosis)
  • Night blindness, photophobia
  • Eye muscle spasms, leading to difficulty focusing
  • Post-diphtheritic paralysis affecting eye muscles
  • Glaucoma and astigmatism
  • Profuse tearing and light sensitivity

Homeopathic Insight:
This remedy is effective for eye disorders such as spasms of the ciliary muscles and glaucoma, addressing issues like night blindness, photophobia, and twitching of the ocular muscles. Eserine is frequently used to treat conditions where the pupils contract, helping manage astigmatism and accommodation paresis.

Respiratory and Nasal Symptoms


  • Fluent coryza (runny nose) with burning and tingling in nostrils
  • Nasal congestion and heat
  • Fever blisters around the nostrils

Homeopathic Insight:
Physostigma is helpful in treating nasal congestion associated with flu or cold-like symptoms. The burning sensation in the nostrils and the appearance of fever blisters are specific indicators for this remedy in managing upper respiratory tract discomfort.

Cardiovascular Symptoms


  • Weak pulse, irregular heartbeats
  • Palpitations with a noticeable pulsation throughout the body
  • Fluttering sensation in the throat
  • Perceptible heartbeats in the chest and head

Homeopathic Insight:
The remedy’s heart-stimulating properties make it valuable for treating cardiovascular issues such as weak pulse and palpitations. It helps strengthen heart function and regulate irregular heartbeats, offering relief from the sensation of fluttering heart often felt in the throat or chest.

Gastrointestinal Symptoms


  • Pain immediately after eating, especially in the epigastric region
  • Gastralgia (stomach pain)
  • Chronic constipation
  • Sensitivity to pressure in the upper abdomen

Homeopathic Insight:
Physostigma is effective in managing gastrointestinal discomfort, particularly in cases of gastralgia and chronic constipation. Its ability to increase peristalsis aids in relieving digestive issues and promoting bowel movements.

Female Health


  • Irregular menstruation, often accompanied by heart palpitations
  • Rigid muscles during the menstrual cycle
  • Eye congestion

Homeopathic Insight:
For women experiencing irregular menstruation with muscle rigidity and heart palpitations, Physostigma offers relief by addressing both the muscular and cardiovascular symptoms associated with menstrual irregularities.

Complementary Remedies and Relationship


Eserine, the active alkaloid in Physostigma, is often compared to Atropin and other remedies like Muscarin, Conium, and Curare. It is beneficial in managing ocular conditions like ciliary spasms and spasmodic astigmatism. It also has a pronounced effect on the heart by slowing heart action and increasing arterial tension.

Antidotes and Comparisons

  • Atropia serves as an antidote to counteract the effects of Physostigmine in high doses.
  • Piperazinum is another remedy to consider for uric acid conditions and rheumatic arthritis, which may present alongside back pain and urinary disorders.

Recommended Dosage

For internal use, the recommended potency is Third Potency. Eserine can be used locally to induce pupil contraction in cases of mydriasis, iritis, or corneal ulcers. A solution of half to four grains of neutral sulphate of Eserine in one ounce of distilled water is applied to the eye for therapeutic purposes.

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Potency Selection Guide
Relationship of Remedies

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